Our Products
Over the period of time our hookahs have evolved into the fusion hookahs, the brass parts of the hookahs have been blended with the colored glass chamber. Now, the hookahs are the combination of glass chamber that holds the water for filtration and the brass metal smoking bowl where the hookah molasses flavored tobacco is fumed on the charcoal. The flavored tobacco fumes are sucked into the water chamber where the toxic residues are filtered and the cool smoke is inhaled by the hookah user. The most practical and workable hookah sizes are from 12 inches size to 36 inches size. We have the hookahs for single user, two-users and the party hookahs where the multiple users can use the same hookah with different hoses and the personal mouthpieces. The hookah consists of four parts, the down part is the water chamber that holds the water and the toxic fumes are filtered, the middle part is the stem and the upper most part is the tobacco fumigation chamber and finally the hookah hose through which the authentic flavoured tobacco fumes are inhaled. The size of the hookahs may vary but the main functionality remains the same.

Shipping US $5.50
Min Qty 25

Shipping US $3.50
Min Qty 25

Shipping US $1.50
Min Qty 50

Shipping US $2.00
Min Qty 50

Shipping US $1.50
Min Qty 100

Shipping US $1.50
Min Qty 50